2RHP Sp. z o.o.
ul. Chorzowska 37
41-709 Ruda Śląska
NIP: 6412528386
REGON: 242885940
Telefon: +48 32 246 06 07
Telefon: +48 32 240 08 19
Fax: +48 32 240 08 18
EMAIL: kontakt@2rhp.pl
Official distributor - Ukraine and the Czech Republic
PUH "ATUT-TECHNIKA" Teresa Dąbrowiecka, Spółka Jawna
40-748 Katowice, ul. Uniczowska 25
e-mail : atuttechnika@poczta.onet.pl
Tel/Fax : 32 322-51-17
mobile: +48.506-207-437
Official distributor - Poland
41-700 Ruda Śląska ul. Słowiańska 2b/7
tel.+48 32 771 62 04 wew.25
Official distributor - South Africa
Arxinite (Pty) Ltd T/A Adept IoT. Reg 2020/660247/07 trading as with its registered office at 822
Trumper Street,
Waverley, Pretoria, South Africa
tel.: +27728362590 | 0121118368
e-mail: hello@adeptiot.co.za
Company location 2RHP Sp. z o.o.
Presentation from the implementation of RESYS in Australia. Proceedings of the IMRB conference in 2023.